Guterres pledges support for sustainable industrial development in Africa

The COVID-19 crisis was impacting Africa “well before the pandemic spread across the continent”, the UN chief said on Friday, marking Africa Industrialization Day, arriving at a point when many economies were expanding and “poverty was in decline”.

UN agencies pledge scaled-up efforts to protect uprooted children as pandemic upends lives

20 Apr 2020

Two UN agency chiefs are pledging to accelerate work to expand refugee children’s access to protection, education, clean water and sanitation, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the globe.  

Guterres leads call to make Africa ‘a renewable energy superpower’

Guterres leads call to make Africa ‘a renewable energy superpower’

05 Sep 2023

The flame of injustice is “scorching hopes and possibilities” across Africa as the world grapples with the climate crisis, with the continent suffering some of the worst impacts of global warming said the UN chief on Tuesday.


Africa provides a ‘home for hope’, despite new challenges: Guterres

24 May 2022

On Africa Day, the world celebrates the diverse and dynamic continent’s “enormous promise and potential”, the UN chief said in an upbeat message to mark the day on Wednesday.