‘I don’t want to see more graves go to the sea’: Saving a Belize village from man-made erosion

Rising sea levels are threatening the very existence of Monkey River, a coastal village in south-east Belize. With the support of the UN, the community is trying to stem the tide, and protect what is left. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2023/01/1132262

Climate change threatens winged harbinger of spring

07 May 2021

A sure sign of spring in northern Europe is the arrival of the Arctic tern bird, but ahead of the UN’s World Migratory Bird Day  experts fear the warming of the oceans in its nesting grounds in the northern Atlantic is threatening its very existence. 


Mitigate climate risks, build resilience, UN chief says in message celebrating world’s cities

30 Oct 2021

Although sea level rise could put more than 800 million people in coastal cities at direct risk by 2050, less than 10 per cent of climate finance for urban areas goes to adaptation and resilience, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres has said. 


Scale up funding for climate adaptation programmes, Guterres urges

25 Jan 2021

The UN Secretary-General on Monday called for urgent scaling up of funds for climate change adaptation and resilience building programmes, so they can offer real and lasting protection against the impact of major events such as droughts, floods and rising sea-levels.