Participation of Private Investors and Fund Managers


Renewable Energy
Last updated on 12/07/2023



Inter-American Development Bank

Procurement type

Consulting Services - Firm

Notice type

Request for Expression of Interest

Project name

The Bahamas Resilient Infrastructure Fund and the Renewable Energy Fund


Participation of Private Investors and Fund Managers


The Government of The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (GOBH), invite submissions of expression of interest (EOI) from qualified firms and persons to participate in the Bahamas Resilient Infrastructure Fund (BRIF) and the Renewable Energy Fund (REF).

This is an invitation for expression of interest only. This EOI is solely for information and planning purposes. It does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or promise to issue an RFP in the future. The GOBH will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in responding to this request.

Based on the responses to this EOI, parties will be identified to work on discussions for the development of the BRIF and REF. Individuals or Firms so selected may be invited to respond to a detailed RFP. If an RFP is released, a notice will be published on the GOBH’s website. Only pre-qualified parties will receive copies of any detailed requirements.

The GOBH will not award a contract based on this EOI or to otherwise pay for the information solicited, and it reserves the right to cancel the EOI process without penalty.


Over the last year, the GOBH has been developing a platform named Private Capital Mobilization (PCM) to attract private capital investors into key sectors of the Bahamian economy. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has been supporting the GOBH in this development. The PCM platform includes a master fund (Bahamas Resilient Infrastructure Fund), to act as the umbrella for ear-marked sector funds, together with the Renewable Energy Fund as the first sector fund.

On 26 of October 2022 the Hon. Philip Davis QC, MP Prime Minister, and Minister of Finance of the

Commonwealth of the Bahamas made a communication to Parliament concerning the National Investment Fund (NIF) Bill 2022. The NIF Bill 2022 sets a regulatory framework for mobilizing private capital in partnership with the Government in an  way to advance key infrastructure projects in the Bahamas.

Through this EOI, the GOBH seeks to engage with development partners, donors, investment organizations (including fund managers), and private sector players to establish the two funds under reference. More specifically, through the EOI, the GOBH would like to assess: (a) interest in the investment opportunities (i.e., BRIF and REF), (b) views on guidelines to the RFP (to be developed after the EOIs feedback, but would like to know of any major condition or requirement needed in the RFP), and (c) any pre-conditions to invest in either or both investment opportunities.

Responses and clarifications

Parties interested in responding to this EOI must submit a white paper outlining relevant experience and resources that might suit this initiative.

PDF white papers are due on 31st July 2023. Responses shall be submitted via e-mail only to BAHAMAS-PCM@IADB.ORG. Proprietary information, should be minimized and be identified. All submissions become the GOBH property and will not be returned. The submission must provide  information, and include for example:

  • Name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail of designated contact.
  • Business type, background, and key personnel.
  • Client portfolio of similar or related project implementations.
  • Geographic location of resources and support.
  • Relevant similar experience.

Questions regarding this announcement shall be submitted in writing to BAHAMAS-PCM@IADB.ORG. Verbal questions will NOT be accepted.


This is an expression of interest (EOI) only to identify sources that are interested in participating in the BRIF and REF. The information provided in this EOI request is subject to change and is not binding on the GOBH. The GOBH has not made a commitment to procure any services, and the release of this EOI should not be interpreted as a commitment to incur cost for reimbursement.

Please submit your EOI by July 31st, 2023

Deadline (local)

31 July 2023

Date Posted

Status *


DB Ref No.




* Definition of status type:

  • Open - Procurement notice is open for bidding;
  • Closed - Deadline has passed;
  • Cancelled - Procurement process is cancelled;
  • N/A - Not applicable, for General Procurement Notices with unspecified deadlines.

Please note that due to the difference in time zones, the actual deadline time may be a few hours earlier or later than when the status changes from Open to Closed on the website. Please do not solely rely on the above status and take note of the deadline in local time (found in the body of the text of each procurement notice).