World Environment Day is the most renowned day for environmental action. Since 1974, it has been celebrated every year on 5 June: engaging governments, businesses, celebrities and citizens to focus their efforts on a pressing environmental issue.
"It is time to act decisively. My message to governments is clear: tax pollution; end fossil fuel subsidies; and stop building new coal plants. We need a GREEN economy not a GREY economy."
– Secretary-General, António Guterres
The foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the climate that makes our planet habitable all come from nature. For instance, each year, marine plants produce more than a half of our atmosphere's oxygen, and a mature tree cleans our air, absorbing 22 kilos of carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen in exchange. Despite all the benefits that our nature give us, we still mistreat it.That is why we need to work on that. That is why we need this Observance.
The Push for Renewable Energy
A structural shift is taking place in the Pacific islands, as countries move away from fossil fuels in favor of more climate-friendly forms of energy. In many ways, the move toward renewable forms of energy plays to the Pacific Islands’ natural advantage. The region is rich in renewable energy resources with potential for hydropower in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and Vanuatu. In addition, there is also potential for solar and wind energy. A strong renewable energy possibility exists throughout the region.
Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) approach for the Pacific has three levels: promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy, maximizing access to energy for all, promoting energy sector reform, capacity building, and effective governance.
These investments will help make safe and reliable electricity available to more people in the region — where more than 8 million have no access to electricity at all — and reduce the cost of electricity to consumers, who pay some of the highest rates in the world.
A new solar power supply financed by ADB's Asian Development Fund, Australia, and donors in Europe is boosting the private sector and ushering in a clean energy revolution in Tonga.
WORLD BANK | Mozambique
Conserving Mozambique’s Biodiversity and Improving Livelihoods
Mozambique’s Conservation Areas have been designated to protect the country’s diverse habitats —which include a coastline with spectacular coral reefs and more than 6,000 plant, bird and mammal species. Through World Bank support of the government’s Mozambique Conversation Areas for Biodiversity and Development Project (MozBio), protection of these areas has been strengthened, improving the lives of the people who live in and around these areas.
The first phase of MozBio (2015-2019) involved more than 20,000 beneficiaries in the Chimanimani, Maputo, Gilé and Quirimbas National Parks, in alternative income-generating activities. The activities include honey production, conservation agriculture, and piloted the establishment of girls’ clubs and environmental education campaigns in schools. MozBio2, the second phase of the project will continue through 2023. The goal is to further support rural communities through activities that increase income and job opporutnities, while guaranteeing sustainable livelihoods and continued conservation/biodiversity efforts.
The World Bank-led Global Wildlife Program is responding to the growing crisis of illegal wildlife crime and the threat to endangered species populations.

Sustainable Development Goals
UNDB is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Decade of Action.
Goal 15: Life on Land focuses specifically on managing forests sustainably, halting and reversing land and natural habitat degradation, successfully combating desertification and stopping biodiversity loss in an effort to ensure that the benefits of land-based ecosystems, including sustainable livelihoods, will be enjoyed for generations to come.
International development projects provide financial, technical, and organizational support for biodiversity conservation in developing regions.
UNDB supports Goal 15 by promoting and encouraging investment in biodiversity conservation projects.