With 783 million people going hungry, a fifth of all food goes to waste

While a third of humanity faces food insecurity, an equivalent of one billion meals go to waste every day, a new report by the UN environment agency (UNEP) revealed on Wednesday. One fifth of food is thrown away. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2024/03/1148036
With 783 million people going hungry, a fifth of all food goes to waste

Stop the waste: UN food agencies call for action to reduce global hunger

14 Oct 2019

With one-third of food produced for human consumption lost or wasted, and millions still going hungry, the UN’s food-related agencies are shining a spotlight on the issue: on Monday, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published its annual State of Food and Agriculture report with findings that could lead to a reduction in food loss and waste, and, earlier in October, the World Food Programme (WFP) launched its awareness-raising #StopTheWaste campaign.

Fossil fuel producers ‘literally doubling down’, new UNEP report warns

Fossil fuel producers ‘literally doubling down’, new UNEP report warns

08 Nov 2023

Contrary to pledges to cut fossil fuel production, government policies worldwide will add up to a doubling of production in 2030, a new report from the UN environment agency (UNEP) revealed on Wednesday.


Environment and health at increasing risk from growing weight of ‘e-waste’

24 Jan 2019

Around 50 million tonnes of electronic waste, or e-waste, is being thrown away each year, according to a new joint United Nations report – which exceeds the combined weight of all the commercial airliners ever made, or alternatively, enough Eiffel Towers to fill the whole of Manhattan.