Afghanistan: UN forced to make ‘appalling choice’ following ban on women nationals

The UN has launched an operational review in Afghanistan, and told national staff to remain at home, following the decision by the Taliban de facto authorities to ban Afghan women from working with the Organization.

First Person: The ‘bravery’ of Afghanistan's girls and women

22 Sep 2021

Afghanistan’s girls and women are showing “bravery” in the face of real “fears and pressures” following the formation of the new, de-facto authorities in Afghanistan,  according to a UNICEF member of staff, one of the few westerners to remain in Kabul.


Afghanistan: Guterres says women worker ban ‘unacceptable and puts lives in jeopardy’

02 May 2023

The UN chief has pledged that the Organization “will never be silent” when women and girls’ rights are under attack, as they are today in Afghanistan, and declared that the Taliban ban on Afghan women doing lifesaving humanitarian work is putting millions of lives in jeopardy there.

Yemen: UN chief demands release of aid workers held by Houthis

Yemen: UN chief demands release of aid workers held by Houthis

11 Jun 2024

UN Secretary-General António Guterres called on Tuesday for the immediate release of all United Nations staff held in Yemen by the de facto Houthi authorities, following the arrest of 13 of the Organization’s personnel.