Aid workers saving lives in the face of danger: World Humanitarian Day

On World Humanitarian Day, marked annually on 19 August, aid workers Ahmad Alragheb, based in Syria, and Veronica Houser, stationed in Afghanistan, talk about the crucial humanitarian effort in these countries, and the challenges they and their colleagues face.

First Person: Taking to the sea to deliver aid in Haiti

19 Aug 2022

With Haiti’s highways increasingly in the grip of gangs, aid delivery by ship is becoming increasingly critical. Captain Madeleine Habib, a shipping officer working for the World Food Programme in Haiti, spoke about her experiences ahead of World Humanitarian Day, which is marked annually on 19 August.


UN salutes real-life heroes doing ‘extraordinary things, in extraordinary times’, commemorating World Humanitarian Day

19 Aug 2020

Marking the World Humanitarian Day, top UN officials are honouring humanitarian workers who are overcoming “huge challenges” to save and improve the lives of millions of women, men and children, hit hard by crises and the COVID-19 pandemic. 


FROM THE FIELD: Chad returnees’ reluctant homecoming 

05 Feb 2020

Citizens of Chad who have spent most of their lives as refugees in neighbouring Central African Republic (CAR) have been talking to the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, about the challenges they have faced returning to their home country.