Baristas behind bars: From serving time to serving lattes

Perfectly foamed milk. A delicate butterfly enswirled atop. A bittersweet tang on the palate. A perfect cappuccino? It is beyond that. This particular cup was masterfully frothed and served by Denny, an inmate in Tangerang, a prison to the west of the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, who joined a UN-supported training programme aimed at helping prisoners to re-integrate into society after serving time.
Baristas behind bars: From serving time to serving lattes
Mandela’s legacy thrives as today's blueprint for prisoners’ rights

Mandela’s legacy thrives as today's blueprint for prisoners’ rights

18 Jul 2023

Adamu* got two years for stealing in Nigeria, Denny is serving five years in Indonesia, and Lauro José dos Santos served a 12-year sentence in Brazil, but ongoing reform efforts rooted in the “Mandela Rules” and a range of UN-supported programmes are helping them and prisoners around the world get a second chance upon their release.


‘We see the sparks before they turn into fires’: training women to avoid conflict in Sierra Leone

21 Nov 2020

In the West African country of Sierra Leone, the UN is supporting a government programme, training women and men to take on leadership roles in areas such as peacebuilding, with the aim of promoting peace and non-violence.

From Dominica to Vogue: Big dreams on a small island

23 Apr 2024

Becoming a successful international fashion photographer is hard for anyone, but it’s particularly difficult if you grow up in Dominica, a small Caribbean country regularly hit by hurricanes. This hasn’t deterred Josiah Johnson, an aspiring photographer who is taking advantage of digital technology training to find new opportunities well beyond the borders of his home.