Child malnutrition expected to quadruple in Southern Madagascar  

At least half a million children under five in drought-afflicted southern Madagascar are on the verge of acute malnourishment, two UN agencies warned on Monday.

Half of Afghanistan’s under-5s expected to suffer acute malnutrition 

05 Oct 2021

An estimated 3.2 million Afghan children under five, are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition by the end of the year, UN agencies warned on Tuesday, adding that without immediate treatment, at least a million are at risk of dying. 


Yemen: ‘Toxic mix’ imperils lives of under-fives with acute malnutrition 

12 Feb 2021

Since the escalation of conflict in 2015, severe acute malnutrition is among its highest levels in Yemen, threating the lives of half of the country’s children under the age of five, four UN agencies warned on Friday.

200,000 children at risk of starvation in Mali, warn UN agencies

200,000 children at risk of starvation in Mali, warn UN agencies

01 Sep 2023

A nexus of protracted armed conflict, internal displacement and limited humanitarian access threatens to plunge nearly one million children under the age of five into acute malnutrition by the end of this year – with at least 200,000 at risk of dying of hunger if life-saving aid fails to reach them, UN agencies said on Friday.