Distrust of public institutions, health inequities could push more countries into conflict, UN political affairs chief warns

The erosion of trust in public institutions, unequal access to health care and tensions around delicate peace negotiations, are among the risks amplified by COVID-19, which if not mitigated, could push more countries into violence, the UN political affairs chief told the Security Council on Wednesday. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2020/09/1072022

COVID-19: A ‘new and deadly threat’ for civilians caught up in violence

27 May 2020

Innocent civilians trapped in violence now face “a new and deadly threat” from COVID-19, the UN chief told the Security Council on Wednesday, warning that the pandemic is “amplifying and exploiting the fragilities of our world”.


‘Negative developments’ undermining two-State solution in Middle East

21 Jan 2020

Recent heightened tensions in the Middle East underscore the critical need for dialogue and diplomacy in the region, the UN’s Political Affairs chief told the Security Council on Tuesday. 


New COVID-19 strains ‘poised to unleash’ more severe infections – Security Council hears

25 Jan 2021

Since September, the devastation wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened, infecting close to 100 million people, costing more than $3 trillion in lost wages and intensifying obstacles for peace and security around the world, the UN political chief told the Security Council on Monday.