Ending extreme poverty crucial to sustainable future for all: UN chief

A sustainable future for all is unlikely unless globalization benefits all children, their families and communities, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in his message for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, on Thursday. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2019/10/1049421

Rising poverty a ‘moral indictment of our times’: Guterres 

15 Oct 2021

For the first time in two decades, extreme poverty is on the rise, the UN chief said in his message released on Friday, marking the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, on 17 October.   

Rich variety of life on earth essential says UN chief Guterres, marking biological diversity day

21 May 2018

The welfare and prosperity of people now and in the future, depends on a “rich variety of life on earth” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in his message for the International Day for Biological Diversity, marked on Tuesday. 

UN calls for gender quality push, central to SDGs

UN calls for gender quality push, central to SDGs

11 Jul 2023

At eight billion strong, the “human family is larger than ever”, but leaders are failing in efforts to ensure a peaceful and prosperous world for all, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in his message to mark World Population Day on Tuesday.