Experts make case for tackling climate and sustainable development together

A new UN report delivers a strong message to world leaders heading to New York for the General Assembly’s annual high-level week: tackling the climate and sustainable development crises together will help accelerate overall progress on the 2030 Agenda.
Experts make case for tackling climate and sustainable development together
How the UN SDG Summit aims to transform the world

How the UN SDG Summit aims to transform the world

18 Sep 2023

The centrepiece of the UN General Assembly’s 2023 high-level week, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit, will see world leaders gather in New York on 18 and 19 September. Their goal: to put the world back on track towards a greener, cleaner, safer, fairer future for all.

How the UN SDG Summit aims to transform the world

How the UN SDG Summit aims to transform the world

18 Sep 2023

The centrepiece of the UN General Assembly’s 2023 high-level week, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit, will see world leaders gather in New York on Monday for two intense days of meetings. Their goal: to put the world back on track towards a greener, cleaner, safer, fairer future for all.

UNGA78: UN chief brushes off key leaders' absence, says delivery paramount

UNGA78: UN chief brushes off key leaders' absence, says delivery paramount

16 Sep 2023

With several high-profile world leaders opting out of the UN General Assembly’s annual opening session next week, Secretary-General António Guterres has said that he cares less about who comes to New York and more about what gets done, especially to revive the lagging Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).