FROM THE FIELD: Adapting to Lesotho’s changing climate

Living in the African mountain kingdom of Lesotho comes with its fair share of challenges, including land degradation and climate change, which are upending traditional farming practices.

FROM THE FIELD: Adapting to survive and thrive in Ghana

28 Feb 2021

In the West African country of Ghana, many people from farming backgrounds are forced to find new ways to survive, as droughts, floods and erratic weather patterns upend age-old agricultural practices.


‘New contract’ needed with nature to keep drought and deserts at bay

17 Jun 2020

The UN Secretary-General has called for “a new contract for nature” to address ongoing global challenges connected to land degradation, such as forced migration, hunger and climate change.

WHO summit aims to unlock power of traditional medicine through science

WHO summit aims to unlock power of traditional medicine through science

17 Aug 2023

The first global Traditional Medicine Summit convened by UN health agency WHO, got underway this week in the Indian city of Gandhinagar focused on sharing evidence and best practices in this field.