FROM THE FIELD: From President to shepherd, the dreams of displaced children of the Sahel

Engineer, nurse, breakdancer, shepherd, human rights lawyer, journalist, musician and president are just some of the future dreams harboured by young displaced people in the Sahel region of Africa.

Deadly flooding adds new danger to communities fleeing Sahel violence

24 Sep 2020

Humanitarians have stepped up assistance to communities “on the brink”, who have been affected by devastating flooding in Africa’s Sahel region, where several hundred thousand people have been displaced by seasonal rains.


Equality in engineering crucial to achieving sustainable development: UN-backed report

03 Mar 2021

Regional disparities in engineering, especially in Africa, must be addressed if the world is to realize a common future where no one is left behind, according to a report issued on Wednesday by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and partners. 


FROM THE FIELD: millions at risk in Sahel, each one with a story to tell

08 Nov 2020

Some 13 million people in the central Sahel region of north Africa require urgent humanitarian assistance, due to violence, insecurity and extreme weather events. Behind these stark figures lie personal stories of tragedy, resilience and hope.