FROM THE FIELD: Protecting the post-pandemic planet

An emphasis on sustainable development and fighting climate change will benefit countries around the world as they recover from the unprecedented economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, says the UN Development Programme, (UNDP).

FROM THE FIELD: Costa Rica communities fight duel COVID and climate threat

21 Mar 2021

Local communities in Costa Rica are working together to fight the challenging combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, thanks to support from the UN Development Programme (UNDP).


FROM THE FIELD: Women guardians of the environment

21 Oct 2020

Women from around the world are being given a more prominent role in the fight against climate change, thanks to the efforts of the UN Development Programme (UNDP).


Without access to vaccines, COVID will continue widening inequality everywhere 

09 Apr 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented public health, economic and social crises, threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions and exacerbating inequalities throughout the world, the World Bank said at the COVID-19: Vaccines for Developing Countries event on Friday.