From the Field: Saving the Mongolian musk

The number of musk deer in Mongolia has plummeted by some 83 per cent since the 1970s, landing them on the country’s red list of critically endangered species. A UN-supported biodiversity initiative is helping to stop the deer from disappearing altogether.
Mongolian dzud: Extreme weather puts 90% of country at ‘high risk’

Mongolian dzud: Extreme weather puts 90% of country at ‘high risk’

09 Feb 2024

The ongoing “white and iron” dzud in Mongolia has reached a “critical” level, with over 90 per cent of the country facing high levels of risk from the unique weather phenomenon, UN agencies have reported.


FROM THE FIELD: The Comeback Crane

26 Dec 2019

An endangered species of crane has been saved from extinction in Thailand, thanks to a project supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 

Ukraine: FAO and EU in $15.5 million bid to avert food crisis threat

04 Jan 2023

In Ukraine, the country’s farmers and smallholders urgently need more support to avoid a food crisis, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on Wednesday, as it announced a $15.5 million initiative to help them.