With Gaza on the brink, hostage talks must resume, Security Council hears

Gaza stands at “yet another precipice of further catastrophe” as the latest round of hostage negotiations in Cairo failed to reach an agreement, a senior UN official warned the Security Council on Monday. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2024/05/1150001
With Gaza on the brink, hostage talks must resume, Security Council hears

Nations begin drafting ‘operating manual’ for climate action at UN conference in Bonn

30 Apr 2018

The latest round of United Nations climate change negotiations began on Monday in Bonn, Germany, to further develop the “operating manual” for implementing the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to keep temperature rises this century, well below 2 degrees Celsius.

Amid Middle East crisis, ‘brutal and far-reaching’ war continues in Ukraine

Amid Middle East crisis, ‘brutal and far-reaching’ war continues in Ukraine

31 Oct 2023

As the world’s attention focuses on the unfolding emergency in the Gaza Strip, a senior UN aid official on Tuesday urged the Security Council not to overlook the equally “brutal and far-reaching” crisis in Ukraine.


Security Council debates Russian withdrawal from crucial Ukraine grain deal

31 Oct 2022

The landmark agreement to export grain and related foodstuffs from Ukraine must be kept alive amid the ongoing war and the global cost of living crisis, two senior UN officials told the Security Council on Monday.