Gaza: UN rights chief slams ‘unconscionable death and suffering’

As the war drags on in Gaza, UN human rights chief Volker Türk on Tuesday condemned Israel’s “relentless” attacks across the war-shattered enclave, while repeating longstanding calls for the release of all remaining hostages.
Gaza: UN rights chief slams ‘unconscionable death and suffering’
Israel-Palestine crisis: Amid war crimes fears, UN rights chief renews calls to stop violence, free hostages 

Israel-Palestine crisis: Amid war crimes fears, UN rights chief renews calls to stop violence, free hostages 

10 Nov 2023

The UN rights chief Volker Türk reiterated increasingly urgent calls on Friday for a humanitarian ceasefire to allow lifesaving relief to reach Gaza, the release of all hostages taken from Israel and a “sustainable” end to the “nightmarish” situation for those trapped in the enclave.

Israel/ Palestine: UN urges parties to spare civilian lives

Israel/ Palestine: UN urges parties to spare civilian lives

10 Oct 2023

In Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, all parties must stop targeting civilians and Hamas and other armed groups must immediately release their hostages, UN rights chief Volker Türk said on Tuesday. 

At Arab League Summit, Guterres appeals for Gaza ceasefire and regional unity

At Arab League Summit, Guterres appeals for Gaza ceasefire and regional unity

16 May 2024

UN Secretary-General António Guterres repeated his longstanding call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages held in the enclave, and unimpeded access for aid delivery, in remarks to the Summit of the League of Arab States in Bahrain on Thursday.