Horn of Africa: $84 million appeal to support migrants along risky route to Yemen

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and partners are seeking $84 million to provide humanitarian and development assistance to over one million migrants in the Horn of Africa and communities hosting them.  https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2023/02/1133592

UN migration agency and EU step up aid for 325,000 Yemenis in need 

23 May 2022

The UN migration agency IOM and the European Union’s Humanitarian Aid wing (ECHO), said on Monday that they are scaling up their efforts to respond to the needs of more than 325,000 displaced by the conflict in Yemen, including migrants and the communities that host them.

Desperate Afghan returnees from Pakistan face uncertain future: IOM

Desperate Afghan returnees from Pakistan face uncertain future: IOM

21 Nov 2023

The UN International Organization for Migration (IOM) and humanitarian partners are providing critical aid at border crossing points between Pakistan and Afghanistan in the face of a surge in forced returns of Afghan nationals.


UN migration agency launches $24 million appeal for Afghanistan

26 Aug 2021

In response to the growing humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on Thursday launched a $24 million urgent appeal to assist hundreds of thousands of people displaced within the country over the past two months.