Horn of Africa faces most ‘catastrophic’ food insecurity in decades, warns WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Tuesday that the Greater Horn of Africa is experiencing one of the worst hunger crises of the last 70 years.   https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2022/08/1123812
WHO appeals for $1.5 billion to deliver healthcare in crises

WHO appeals for $1.5 billion to deliver healthcare in crises

15 Jan 2024

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday launched a $1.5 billion emergency appeal to provide care to more than 87 million people this year in 41 ongoing crises, including in the occupied Palestinian territory, Ukraine, Sudan, Syria and the Horn of Africa. 


Growing risk of Somalia famine, as drought impact worsens

28 Mar 2022

The Horn of Africa is experiencing the worst drought since 1981, and a shortfall in aid funding is putting the lives of millions of Somalis in danger.

Horn of Africa hunger emergency: ‘129,000 looking death in the eyes’

10 Mar 2023

Life-threatening hunger caused by climate shocks, violent insecurity and disease in the Horn of Africa, have left nearly 130,000 people “looking death in the eyes” and nearly 50 million facing crisis levels of food insecurity, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.