‘Humanity, quiet dignity’ of workers profiled in US-wide photo project

A small paddle-boat with two men on board finds its way through a green but muddy field planted with rice on a 120-acre farm in Scott, in the US state of Louisiana. It lurches forward as one of the men plants little metal traps into the mud every ten feet or so.    https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2019/12/1053251

Nepal benefits from end to open toilet use

25 Oct 2019

Sunaina lives in Majhi, a village of 104 people in Nepal’s impoverished Terai region. Huts fashioned of mud, thatch and straw stand in a row along the shoulder of a dirt road that carves through rice fields, where Sunaina, and the majority of her neighbours earn their living.


From the Field: Lao farmers serve up fish with rice

15 Oct 2021

Farmers in Laos are rediscovering ancient practices by cultivating rice and fish in the same field after more modern farming methods are failing to provide them with a liveable income.


First Person: Innovation brewing at Hawaii coffee farm

25 Jun 2020

Innovation and experimentation are helping a coffee farm in the US state of Hawaii to prosper in a competitive market, an approach which has helped the company to get through the global COVID-19 pandemic.