Israel-Palestine: Political solution only way to end ‘senseless’ cycles of violence

Only a political solution will end the “senseless and costly cycles of violence” between Israelis and Palestinians, UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland said in a briefing to the Security Council on Thursday.

UN envoy reports ‘sharp increase’ in violence this year in Israel-Palestine conflict

19 Dec 2022

More than 150 Palestinians and over 20 Israelis have been killed in the West Bank and Israel so far in 2022 - the highest number of deaths in years, UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland told the Security Council on Monday. 


Wennesland condemns killing of 4 Israeli civilians, as Security Council hears ‘little progress’ is being made on settlements

22 Mar 2022

Speakers in the Security Council on Tuesday denounced evictions and demolitions by Israeli authorities of Palestinian-owned properties, as the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, expressed regret that “little progress” has made by the sides in upholding obligations under the Council’s landmark resolution 2334.

UPDATING LIVE: Security Council meets over Israel-Gaza

UPDATING LIVE: Security Council meets over Israel-Gaza

18 Oct 2023

UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland on Wednesday called for an inquiry into the strike against a Gaza hospital that killed hundreds, including patients, staff and displaced people seeking shelter.