‘Keep working with us to build a better world,’ Guterres says, as major UN civil society forum closes in Kenya

The first-ever UN civil society conference held in Africa wrapped up in Nairobi on Friday hearing calls for “bold and honest” conversations among governments and civil society to drive forward shared vision for reinvigorated multilateralism, a better world and a brighter future for all. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2024/05/1149611
‘Keep working with us to build a better world,’ Guterres says, as major UN civil society forum closes in Kenya

Sustainable transport key to green energy shift: UN Secretary-General

14 Oct 2021

With global transport at a crossroads, government leaders, industry experts, and civil society groups are meeting in Beijing, China, for a UN conference to chart the way forward to a more sustainable future for the sector, and greater climate action overall. 

First UN civil society forum held in Africa heralds ‘inclusive’ Summit of the Future

First UN civil society forum held in Africa heralds ‘inclusive’ Summit of the Future

09 May 2024

‘Meaningful participation’ and ‘inclusion’ were the buzzwords at the opening on Thursday of a major UN conference in Nairobi, Kenya, where governments were urged to heed the diverse voices of civil society, which were well-placed to work alongside them in building a fairer and more just future.


Bold, innovative measures for refugees and their hosts sought, at first ever Global Forum

16 Dec 2019

As refugee numbers approach 26 million, heads of state, top UN diplomats, powerful figures from the private sector and civil society are heading to Geneva to agree on “bold, new” ways to help, at the first ever Global Refugee Forum, which got underway on Monday.