Michael Bloomberg spotlights best steps now for urgent climate action

Michael Bloomberg is a business leader, the former three-time mayor of New York City and the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for climate ambition and solutions. He is also an undisputed leader in combatting climate change. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/interview/2024/06/1150691

UN chief appoints former New York Mayor as Special Envoy for Climate Action

05 Mar 2018

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday appointed Michael R. Bloomberg, the former Mayor of New York City, as his Special Envoy for Climate Action.

Senior officials call for action and solutions at UN Environment Assembly

Senior officials call for action and solutions at UN Environment Assembly

29 Feb 2024

Leaders attending a major UN environmental conference in Nairobi must drive forward solutions to combat climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday. 


‘We cannot afford greenwashing’: Guterres highlights key role of Net-Zero experts

27 Apr 2022

As part of the UN’s climate action efforts, the Secretary-General’s Net-Zero Expert Group met for the first time on Wednesday, on a mission to develop stronger and clearer standards for net-zero emissions pledges by non-State entities — such as businesses, investors, cities and regions—and speed up their implementation.