Nearly half a billion people can’t find decent work; unemployment set to rise: new UN labour report

Around half a billion people work fewer paid hours than they would like, or are not getting enough access to paid work, shows a study published by the International Labour Organization (ILO) on Monday, which also forecasts that unemployment will rise by about 2.5 million this year.

Impact on workers of COVID-19 is ‘catastrophic’: ILO 

23 Sep 2020

COVID-19 has had a “catastrophic” impact on workers, the head of the International Labour Organization (ILO) said on Wednesday, with lost working hours higher than originally forecast, and equivalent to 495 million full-time jobs globally in the second quarter of the year. 

Global unemployment set to decline slightly this year: UN labour agency

Global unemployment set to decline slightly this year: UN labour agency

29 May 2024

Global unemployment numbers will fall modestly this year, but unequal access to jobs is still a problem worldwide, particularly for women in poorer countries, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said in a new report published on Wednesday. 

Closing gender pay gaps is more important than ever 

18 Sep 2022

On average, women globally are paid about 20 per cent less than men, the International Labour (ILO) Organization said on Saturday, International Equal Pay Day.