Nigeria: $1.3 billion drive to stop ‘ticking time bomb’ of child malnutrition

The UN launched a $1.3 billion appeal on Thursday to help six million people severely affected by conflict, disease, and disaster in northeast Nigeria.

Nigeria: New UN resilience project paves ‘pathway to peace and sustainable development’

14 Jul 2022

Over 500,000 conflict-affected people in northeast Nigeria will be tossed “a lifeline,” thanks to a new UN humanitarian and development package, launched on Thursday.

World News in Brief: $850 million plan to support Rohingya refugees, child rights, Haiti aid update

World News in Brief: $850 million plan to support Rohingya refugees, child rights, Haiti aid update

13 Mar 2024

To address the ongoing Rohingya humanitarian crisis affecting 1.3 million people in Bangladesh, UN humanitarian agencies on Wednesday launched a $852.4 million appeal supporting refugees and the communities hosting them.


Humanitarians seek $1.3 billion to help millions in war-weary Afghanistan

12 Jan 2021

United Nations agencies and humanitarian partners in Afghanistan are seeking $1.3 billion to assist almost 16 million people in need of life-saving assistance as a result of decades of conflict, recurrent natural disasters, and the added health and socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.