In Nigeria, UN deputy chief and Malala champion girls’ right to education

More than 120 million girls are out of school and the world must do more to ensure they can get an education, Nobel laureate and UN Messenger of Peace Malala Yousafzai said in Abuja, Nigeria on Wednesday, her 26th birthday.
In Nigeria, UN deputy chief and Malala champion girls’ right to education

Sustainable Development goals are ‘the future’ Malala tells major UN event, urging countries to get on track

18 Sep 2020

The Global Goals represent the future for millions of girls who want education, women who fight for equality, and youth fighting for clean air, UN Messenger of Peace Malala Yousafzai said on Friday, at a side event of the General Assembly, challenging Member States, “when are you planning to do the work”? 


‘Decisive steps’ needed to keep boys in school – UNESCO report

07 Apr 2022

Although girls have more difficulty accessing education and make up most out-of-school children at the primary level, challenges facing boys are increasing at later stages, according to a report published on Wednesday by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).


Interview: The most impactful actions at COP26 point to progress on climate change   

22 Nov 2021

Of the many agreements and initiatives announced at the 26th UN Climate Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, the UN Climate Communications Lead at the Department of Global Communications narrowed down the three that she deemed most impactful.