‘Our voices need to be included’: Trinidadian youth make case for strong role in climate negotiations

Trinidad and Tobago is described as one of the “frontline States”, those nations that are most severely affected by the impact of the climate emergency, and youth activists are among the most prominent voices in the country calling for stronger action to combat the crisis, both at home and abroad. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2024/05/1149191
‘Our voices need to be included’: Trinidadian youth make case for strong role in climate negotiations

Climate crisis and migration: Greta Thunberg supports IOM over ‘life and death’ issue

27 Jan 2023

The head of the UN migration agency IOM, and leading climate justice activist, Greta Thunberg, called on Friday for immediate action to help tackle the impacts of climate change on those forced to flee their homes, or leaving in search of a better life.


INTERVIEW: The women activists aiming to make history in Vanuatuan politics

03 Mar 2021

The Republic of Vanuatu is one of the few countries in the world without a single woman representative in parliament, but two determined activists are committed to ending that situation, and ensuring that women’s voices are heard by the island nation’s most senior decision-makers.

COP28: Bring the vulnerable to ‘front of the line’ for climate funding

COP28: Bring the vulnerable to ‘front of the line’ for climate funding

04 Dec 2023

Advocates showcased the devastating impacts of climate upheaval on their communities at COP 28 on Monday as the focus of the world’s largest climate gathering turned to financial support for those most at risk – first and foremost youth and women in developing countries.