Push for ‘more caring, thoughtful’ relationship with nature: UN chief

Everyone must commit to preserving the Earth’s “invaluable and irreplaceable wildlife,” the UN chief said on Wednesday in his message for World Wildlife Day. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2022/03/1113082

World Wildlife Day: UN chief urges ‘more caring’ relationship with nature

02 Mar 2020

People everywhere need to remember that we depend on Mother Earth to survive, the UN chief said in his message for World Wildlife Day marked on Tuesday, advocating for “a more caring, thoughtful and sustainable relationship with nature”.

World Environment Day: Earth ‘cannot keep up with our demands’

World Environment Day: Earth ‘cannot keep up with our demands’

03 Jun 2022

“This planet is our only home”, Secretary-General António Guterres said in his message for World Environment Day, to be marked this Sunday, warning that the Earth’s natural systems “cannot keep up with our demands”.  


World Environment Day: Earth ‘cannot keep up with our demands’

03 Jun 2022

“This planet is our only home”, Secretary-General António Guterres said in his message for World Environment Day, to be marked this Sunday, warning that the Earth’s natural systems “cannot keep up with our demands”.