Put ‘people before politics’ in Lebanon, urges Guterres, following Beirut disaster

It’s time that leaders across Lebanon put “people before politics” following last month’s explosions in Beirut port, said the UN chief on Wednesday, which must serve as a wake-up call following a year of upheaval and clamour for reform on all fronts. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2020/09/1073252

UN deputy chief says ‘large-scale activity, considerable funding’ will be needed to help Lebanon recover after Beirut blast

09 Aug 2020

To help Lebanon overcome the tragedy and recover better, “we will need all hands on deck”, deputy UN chief Amina Mohammed told virtual donors conference on Sunday, convened to rally international assistance and support in the wake of last week’s massive explosion at the Beirut port, which killed some 150 people, wounded thousands and caused destruction throughout much of the city.


As Beirut rescuers search for survivors, UN warns of ‘huge’ needs

07 Aug 2020

Across Lebanon, “the needs are immediate, and they are huge” in the aftermath of the explosion that destroyed Beirut city port, UN agencies said on Friday.


Lebanon elections: Guterres calls for ‘swift formation’ of inclusive Government

17 May 2022

The UN Secretary-General has called for Lebanon’s political leaders to swiftly form an inclusive government in the wake of parliamentary elections on Sunday, that can help the crisis-wracked nation implement reforms to put the country “on the path to recovery”.