Record levels of displacement amid global conflict and natural disasters

There are twice as many internally displaced people today as there were ten years ago - the largest numbers ever recorded, said Special Advisor on Solutions to Internal Displacement Robert Piper, on Friday.
Record levels of displacement amid global conflict and natural disasters

More than 59 million internally displaced in 2021

19 May 2022

A record 59.1 million people were displaced within their homelands last year, or four million more than in 2020, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Thursday, citing the latest Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID). 

With internal displacement at a record high, aid chief backs action call

With internal displacement at a record high, aid chief backs action call

13 Mar 2024

The number of internally displaced people around the world is at a record high – well over 70 million – it’s a global crisis that needs collaborative solutions from the humanitarian community, the UN’s emergency relief chief said on Wednesday.


Fast-moving Afghanistan crisis ‘has hallmarks of humanitarian catastrophe’

13 Aug 2021

Afghanistan is on course to witness its highest ever number of documented civilian casualties in a single year since records began, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Friday.