Socio-economic meltdown leaves Lebanese ‘hanging on by a thread’

With livelihoods in tatters and hopes almost shattered, the Lebanese are “hanging on by a thread,” the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator said on Thursday, announcing the extension of the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) to address the rapidly deteriorating situation.

$383 million humanitarian plan to address ‘living nightmare’ in Lebanon

01 Oct 2021

The UN and humanitarian partners on Friday announced a $383 million Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for Lebanon to provide critical life-saving assistance and protection to some 1.1 million citizens and migrants over the next 12 months. 


Yemen: ‘Hanging on by a thread’, UN chief requests funding to meet staggering humanitarian crisis

02 Jun 2020

More than five years of conflict have left Yemenis “hanging on by a thread, their economy in tatters” and their institutions “facing near-collapse”, the UN chief told a virtual pledging conference on Tuesday, calling for a demonstration of solidarity with some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable. 

Impact of ‘failed promises’ on climate, evident in Antarctica: A UN Resident Coordinator blog

Impact of ‘failed promises’ on climate, evident in Antarctica: A UN Resident Coordinator blog

29 Nov 2023

The impact of “failed promises” to address the rapid rise in global temperatures is strikingly evident in Antarctica in the South Pole, according to the UN Resident Coordinator in Chile.