South Sudanese ‘one step away from famine', as UN launches humanitarian response plan

As hunger levels continue to deepen in South Sudan due to a combination of violence, climate change and COVID-19, the 2021 South Sudan Humanitarian Response Plan was launched on Tuesday aiming to reach 6.6 million people – including 350,000 refugees - with life-saving assistance and protection.
World News in Brief: Congo flood response, tourism bounces back, alert over Sudan’s ancient pyramids

World News in Brief: Congo flood response, tourism bounces back, alert over Sudan’s ancient pyramids

19 Jan 2024

Unprecedented flooding in the Republic of the Congo has left more than 350,000 people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, the UN aid coordination office OCHA said on Friday.


‘Super typhoon’ Goni: UN, partners seek $45 million in immediate relief for affected populations

09 Nov 2020

The United Nations and humanitarian partners in the Philippines launched, on Monday, a response plan for $45.5 million to bring life-saving assistance and protection to hundreds of thousands of people affected by Typhoon Goni. 


UN agencies scale-up response to address looming famine ‘catastrophe’ in Tigray

10 Jun 2021

The head of the World Food Programme (WFP) appealed on Thursday for immediate access to deliver lifesaving assistance to Ethiopia’s Tigray region, where ongoing fighting between government and regional forces has put some 350,000 people at risk of famine.