UN and partners launch emergency appeal to address severe drought in Malawi

UN agencies alongside humanitarian partners in Malawi have launched a Flash Appeal to help millions in the country stricken by drought that has decimated harvests and sent hunger levels soaring. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2024/07/1152441
UN and partners launch emergency appeal to address severe drought in Malawi

UN issues appeal to bolster COVID-19 ‘logistics backbone’ or response could stutter to a halt 

20 Apr 2020

The heads of major UN humanitarian agencies and offices have launched an urgent appeal for $350 million to support global aid hubs to help those most at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Haiti: $720 million plan to support millions facing gangs, hunger and cholera

14 Apr 2023

The UN and partners are appealing for $720 million to support more than three million people in Haiti, where gangs, hunger, and cholera have plunged nearly half the population into humanitarian need. 


Afghanistan: UN launches largest single country aid appeal ever

11 Jan 2022

The UN and partners launched a more than $5 billion funding appeal for Afghanistan on Tuesday, in the hope of shoring up collapsing basic services there, which have left 22 million in need of assistance inside the country, and 5.7 million people requiring help beyond its borders.