UN issues ‘wake-up call’: Don’t sideline AIDS response during COVID-19 crisis

As the world continues to grapple with the coronavirus, decades of advances made in the battle against HIV are under threat, noted two UN agencies on Monday, point out that disruptions to treatment could cause hundreds of thousands of HIV-related deaths.   https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2020/05/1063702

Countries urged to act over potential HIV drug shortages in two months

22 Jun 2020

Stocks of medication for HIV patients could run out in the next two months, because of higher costs linked to lockdowns and COVID-19 border closures, UNAIDS said on Monday.


COVID-19 isolation threatens live-saving vaccinations for millions of children globally

13 Apr 2020

As countries around the world continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 117 million children risk missing out on measles vaccines, two UN agencies warned in Geneva on Tuesday.


Syria: UN health agency highlights ‘critical health threats’ facing Idlib civilians

03 Feb 2020

The World Health Organization (WHO) raised the alarm on Monday over critical health threats facing hundreds-of thousands of Syrians forced to flee due to intensified hostilities in Syria’s northwest, where health facilities and workers have increasingly come under attack.