UN missions battle old and emerging threats, to protect civilians

Heads of UN peacekeeping forces on Thursday highlighted the work of ‘blue helmets’ in some of the most challenging environments, protecting those in need not only from war and terror but also increasingly from natural disasters and disinformation. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2023/07/1139262
UN missions battle old and emerging threats, to protect civilians

UN peacekeepers ‘a beacon of hope and protection’: Guterres

25 May 2023

The UN’s 87,000-plus peacekeepers worldwide are “a beacon of hope and protection” for vulnerable civilians, in an increasingly dangerous and uncertain world, the UN chief said on Thursday, recognizing that last year, another 102 ‘blue helmets’ fell in the line of duty.


Nepal peacekeeper killed; UN strongly condemns attack in DR Congo

05 Apr 2022

The UN chief on Tuesday together with the Security Council, strongly condemned an attack by suspected militia members, on peacekeepers serving in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which left one Nepali ‘blue helmet’ dead.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites often ‘last line of defence against extinction’

UNESCO World Heritage Sites often ‘last line of defence against extinction’

31 Aug 2023

Some of the world’s most iconic natural and cultural sites are also a haven for thousands of endangered species, the UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said on Thursday.