UN refugee agency concerned about situation at Mexico-US border

The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, voiced concern on Tuesday over the situation in Mexico, where refugees and migrants aspiring to get to the United States find themselves in cramped shelters, exposed to multiple risks.  https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2023/08/1139552
UN refugee agency concerned about situation at Mexico-US border

Ethiopia: Safe access and swift action needed for refugees in Tigray

14 Jan 2021

The head of the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) on Wednesday expressed his deep concern over the humanitarian situation in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, including its impact on Eritrean refugees hosted there. 


Urgent steps needed to alleviate suffering in Ethiopia’s Tigray region: Guterres

03 Feb 2021

The United Nations Secretary-General, on Tuesday, voiced grave concerns over the crisis in Ethiopia’s Tigray region and underscored the need for urgent efforts to protect populations at risk. 

UNHCR assists thousands fleeing armed group violence in northern Mozambique

UNHCR assists thousands fleeing armed group violence in northern Mozambique

01 Mar 2024

The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, has voiced deep concern over the escalating humanitarian crisis in the restive Cabo Delgado province in northern Mozambique following a recent surge in violence and attacks by armed groups.