UN relief chief calls for continued support for Syria and other crisis regions

In a wide-ranging briefing on Friday, UN Humanitarian Coordinator Martin Griffiths highlighted the need to keep aid flowing into northwest Syria and to allow Ukrainian and Russian grain exports to reach global markets amid the ongoing war.   https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2023/07/1138462
UN relief chief calls for continued support for Syria and other crisis regions
Black Sea Initiative exports top 30 million tonnes from Ukraine, as talks continue over renewal

Black Sea Initiative exports top 30 million tonnes from Ukraine, as talks continue over renewal

11 May 2023

The UN-brokered Black Sea Initiative, aimed at ensuring the flow of grain, foodstuffs and fertilizer amid global shortages exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, has now allowed the safe export of more than 30 million tonnes, since it first began in July last year.

Aid relief reaches Ukraine towns and cities reclaimed from Russian control

07 Oct 2022

Urgently needed aid relief has reached areas of northeast Ukraine recently reclaimed from Russian control amid ongoing fighting, UN humanitarians said on Friday.


UN relief chief outlines immediate humanitarian priorities for Ukraine

07 Mar 2022

Allowing civilians to safely leave areas under fire in Ukraine, and delivering desperately needed aid to these locations, are among immediate priorities for humanitarians, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, told the Security Council on Monday.