UN teams dispatch aid as deadly flash floods hit northern Afghanistan

UN humanitarian teams scrambled to get lifesaving aid to communities devastated by deadly flash floods in northeastern Afghanistan over the weekend. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2024/05/1149636
UN teams dispatch aid as deadly flash floods hit northern Afghanistan
Eastern Afghanistan reels from fatal storms; dozens dead, hundreds homeless

Eastern Afghanistan reels from fatal storms; dozens dead, hundreds homeless

18 Jul 2024

UN teams and humanitarian partners in Afghanistan are mobilizing in response to devastating windstorms and flash floods that have ravaged eastern regions of the country, resulting in dozens of fatalities and the destruction of hundreds of homes.

UN ramps up aid as millions affected in cyclone Freddy’s wake

20 Mar 2023

UN agencies on Monday were scrambling to reach millions affected by the deadly tropical cyclone Freddy, which has worsened cholera outbreaks in Malawi and Mozambique as communities recover from devastating damages caused by storms, massive flooding, and mudslides.

Libya floods aftermath: Response continues amid the wreckage

Libya floods aftermath: Response continues amid the wreckage

18 Sep 2023

UN teams are working tirelessly to deliver vital assistance to communities devastated by the unprecedented floods that hit eastern Libya.