UNDP steps up efforts to keep Syrians off the daily breadline

As the Syria war enters its 12th year, the impact that the war in Ukraine is having on food security, is being felt by the most vulnerable Syrians, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) said on Wednesday. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2022/06/1119502

Syria: Guterres demands ‘renewed energy’ for peace as war enters 12th year

10 Mar 2023

Support provided to Syria following the recent deadly earthquakes must be directed towards finding a political solution to the civil war, now entering its 12th year, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Friday.   

UN officials call for durable solution to end the war in Syria

15 Mar 2023

Three senior UN officials underscored the need for a political solution to end the war in Syria, in statements marking the 12th anniversary of the conflict on Wednesday. 


Syria: Humanitarians reaffirm support as conflict enters its 10th year

12 Mar 2020

UN agencies have underscored their commitment to continue supporting civilians affected by the war in Syria, which this month enters its tenth year.