UNFPA reveals winners of AccessAbility innovation challenge

Four organizations working with young people with disabilities are the winners of the first AccessAbility innovation challenge held by the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, UNFPA.  https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2023/08/1139982
UNFPA reveals winners of AccessAbility innovation challenge

UNFPA global innovation awards: 10 projects that will change lives of women and girls

04 Aug 2022

The UN’s sexual and reproductive health agency, UNFPA, has announced the ten winners of its first ever Joint Innovation Challenge; a cutting edge competition to provide funding for social enterprises with innovative solutions that advance the empowerment of women and girls worldwide.


UN reproductive health agency appeals for $1.2 billion to support crisis-affected women and girls

13 Dec 2022

Amid rising humanitarian needs worldwide, the UN’s sexual and reproductive health agency, UNFPA, on Tuesday launched a $1.2 billion appeal to support 66 million women, girls and young people in 65 countries affected by crisis. 

End ‘alarmist narratives’ on population growth and recognize women’s rights: UNFPA

End ‘alarmist narratives’ on population growth and recognize women’s rights: UNFPA

19 Apr 2023

Women’s bodies must not be held captive to government policies or “alarmist narratives” concerning population growth, the UN sexual and reproductive health agency (UNFPA) said in major new report published on Wednesday.