Universal Health Coverage ‘more urgent than ever’ – UN chief

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that “our health systems are inadequate”, the UN chief told a ministerial meeting on Thursday, citing weak structures and unequal access to healthcare as “major reasons” why the coronavirus has killed one million people and infected more than 30 times that, globally. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2020/10/1075002

COVID-19 highlights ‘life and death’ stakes for greater digital cooperation

11 Jun 2020

Managing the digital divide better, has become “a matter of life and death” for people unable to access essential healthcare information during the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN chief has told a virtual high-level meeting on rapid technological change.

Health systems show first major signs of post-COVID-19 recovery

02 May 2023

Health systems in most countries have started showing the first major signs of recovery three years into the COVID-19 pandemic, which has left millions dead and hundreds of millions infected, according to a new UN report launched on Tuesday.


New COVID-19 strains ‘poised to unleash’ more severe infections – Security Council hears

25 Jan 2021

Since September, the devastation wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened, infecting close to 100 million people, costing more than $3 trillion in lost wages and intensifying obstacles for peace and security around the world, the UN political chief told the Security Council on Monday.