What is the UN Environment Assembly and why does it matter?

Every two years, all 193 UN Member States have an opportunity to collectively address critical environmental issues facing the planet. This moment is the United Nations Environment Assembly, or UNEA, the sixth edition of which will be held from 26 February to 1 March, in Nairobi, Kenya. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2024/02/1146932
What is the UN Environment Assembly and why does it matter?

Ukraine: World must unite in face of Russia’s ‘violation of international law’

10 Mar 2022

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine compels Member States of the United Nations to unite in “cooperation and solidarity” to support all those impacted “and to overcome this violation of international law” said Secretary-General António Guterres on Thursday, addressing the General Assembly in New York.


Nations sign up to end global scourge of plastic pollution

02 Mar 2022

Heads of State, environment ministers and other representatives from 175 nations, endorsed a historic resolution at the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi on Wednesday to end plastic pollution, and forge an international legally binding agreement, by the end of 2024.

Beyond borders: Why new 'high seas' treaty is critical for the world

Beyond borders: Why new 'high seas' treaty is critical for the world

19 Jun 2023

The UN’s 193 Member States adopted a landmark legally binding marine biodiversity agreement on Monday following nearly two decades of fierce negotiations over forging a common wave of conservation and sustainability in the high seas beyond national boundaries – covering two thirds of the planet’s oceans. Here are five key points on why it is important for the world.