Women in Business “must be knowledgeable and trust their knowledge”

Women who set up their own businesses will succeed if they are knowledgeable about their field and “trust their knowledge”; that’s according to the owner of a successful wine bar and store in the city of New Orleans in the United States.  https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2019/12/1053651

With science ‘held back by a gender gap’, Guterres calls for more empowerment for women and girls

10 Feb 2020

Fewer than 30 per cent of the world’s scientific researchers are women: that’s just one of the statistics showing how many challenges remain for women and girls in the scientific field, as the world marks the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, on Tuesday.


Food Hero: Cameroon’s shrimp entrepreneur

15 Oct 2021

A Cameroonian woman who set up her own smoked shrimp business, has been recognized by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Agency (FAO) for her contribution towards unlocking the potential of selling shellfish locally and abroad.


Food Heroes: Cameroon’s shrimp entrepreneur

17 Oct 2021

Anastasie Obama, a Cameroonian woman who set up her own smoked shrimp business, has been recognized by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Agency (FAO) as a Food Hero, for her contribution towards unlocking the potential of selling shellfish locally and abroad.