World trade reaches all-time high, but 2022 outlook ‘uncertain’: UNCTAD

Global trade is expected to be worth about $28 trillion this year - an increase of 23 per cent on pre-pandemic levels - but the outlook for 2022 remains very uncertain, UN economists said on Tuesday.

Global trade soars in first quarter, but services still in doldrums

19 May 2021

Global trade bounced back to a record high early this year, although service industries are still a shadow of their pre-pandemic selves, UN economists UNCTAD said on Tuesday.


A few ‘green shoots’, but future of global trade remains deeply uncertain

21 Oct 2020

Although global trade is making a frail recovery, the outlook remains uncertain, UN trade and development body UNCTAD said on Wednesday, in announcing its latest COVID-era update. 


Global growth forecast to slow to 1.9% in 2023, warn UN economists

25 Jan 2023

Senior UN economists warned on Wednesday that intersecting crises are likely to add further damage to the global economy, with growth set to slow from three per cent in 2022 to 1.9 per cent this year.