
Last updated yesterday



Procurement type

Consulting Services - Firm

Project name

Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Program


Consulting firm to provide supervision services relating to the rehabilitation of the fourteen (14) main regulating structures in Nickerie District, Suriname

Date Posted

* Definition of status type:

  • Open - Procurement notice is open for bidding;
  • Closed - Deadline has passed;
  • Cancelled - Procurement process is cancelled;
  • N/A - Not applicable, for General Procurement Notices with unspecified deadlines.

Please note that due to the difference in time zones, the actual deadline time may be a few hours earlier or later than when the status changes from Open to Closed on the website. Please do not solely rely on the above status and take note of the deadline in local time (found in the body of the text of each procurement notice).


Last updated on 30/08/2024

Belize, Guyana, Saint Lucia, Suriname


Procurement type

Consulting Services - Firm

Project name

World Bank Enterprise Survey 2025 in Belize, Guyana, St. Lucia and Suriname


WBGeProcure: World Bank Enterprise Survey 2025 in Belize, Guyana, St. Lucia and Suriname

Date Posted

* Definition of status type:

  • Open - Procurement notice is open for bidding;
  • Closed - Deadline has passed;
  • Cancelled - Procurement process is cancelled;
  • N/A - Not applicable, for General Procurement Notices with unspecified deadlines.

Please note that due to the difference in time zones, the actual deadline time may be a few hours earlier or later than when the status changes from Open to Closed on the website. Please do not solely rely on the above status and take note of the deadline in local time (found in the body of the text of each procurement notice).


Last updated on 29/08/2024



Procurement type

Consulting Services - Individual

Project name

Saramacca Canal System Rehabilitation Project


Staffing of the Saramacca Canal Unit: Social Specialist

Date Posted

* Definition of status type:

  • Open - Procurement notice is open for bidding;
  • Closed - Deadline has passed;
  • Cancelled - Procurement process is cancelled;
  • N/A - Not applicable, for General Procurement Notices with unspecified deadlines.

Please note that due to the difference in time zones, the actual deadline time may be a few hours earlier or later than when the status changes from Open to Closed on the website. Please do not solely rely on the above status and take note of the deadline in local time (found in the body of the text of each procurement notice).


Last updated on 29/08/2024


Feasibility Study and Action Plan Upgrading Surair Air Cargo Services (SACS) Storage Space for Vegetables, Fruits, and Other Products at JAPIA Airport, Zanderij

Date Posted


Last updated on 27/08/2024



Project name

Programme of Support for the Population Census and the National Statistical System of Suriname (SPCNSSS)



Date Posted

* Definition of status type:

  • Open - Procurement notice is open for bidding;
  • Closed - Deadline has passed;
  • Cancelled - Procurement process is cancelled;
  • N/A - Not applicable, for General Procurement Notices with unspecified deadlines.

Please note that due to the difference in time zones, the actual deadline time may be a few hours earlier or later than when the status changes from Open to Closed on the website. Please do not solely rely on the above status and take note of the deadline in local time (found in the body of the text of each procurement notice).


Last updated on 26/08/2024



Project name

Fiscal Support Program to Regain Growth (FISREG)



Date Posted

* Definition of status type:

  • Open - Procurement notice is open for bidding;
  • Closed - Deadline has passed;
  • Cancelled - Procurement process is cancelled;
  • N/A - Not applicable, for General Procurement Notices with unspecified deadlines.

Please note that due to the difference in time zones, the actual deadline time may be a few hours earlier or later than when the status changes from Open to Closed on the website. Please do not solely rely on the above status and take note of the deadline in local time (found in the body of the text of each procurement notice).


Last updated on 22/08/2024


This agreement with contractnumber MPW\WB\SCSRP\CMP4-038 for the Social Specialist is made between the Ministry of Public Works of Suriname and Mrs. Burke, Reana Naomi

Date Posted


Last updated on 19/08/2024


Monitoring &Evaluation Officer/ Trainee

Date Posted


Last updated on 16/08/2024


Component Coordinator PEU

Date Posted


Last updated on 16/08/2024


Financial Specialist

Date Posted

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