Displacement misery continues for Gazans, UN humanitarians warn

The UN Security Council will hold a second day of debate on Wednesday in search of an end to the devastating conflict in Gaza amid growing tensions in the Middle East, as UN humanitarians reiterated grave concerns for extremely vulnerable Palestinians forced once again to flee the war and evacuation orders. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2024/01/1145827
Displacement misery continues for Gazans, UN humanitarians warn

Ukraine war: Middle East food prices soaring, as donor fatigue kicks in, Security Council hears

23 Mar 2022

Amid growing donor fatigue and a brutal war in Ukraine that has diverted the world’s attention, the world must not forget millions of people in need across the Middle East and North Africa, the UN chief told the Security Council on Wednesday.

Gaza: Northern aid push frustrated as regional tensions rise

Gaza: Northern aid push frustrated as regional tensions rise

05 Feb 2024

UN humanitarians reported on Monday that a food convoy in Gaza had been hit by shelling after a deadly weekend of hostilities in Gaza in which at least 234 Palestinians were reportedly killed, stoking regional tensions in the Middle East. 


Israel-Palestine: Political solution only way to end ‘senseless’ cycles of violence

27 May 2021

Only a political solution will end the “senseless and costly cycles of violence” between Israelis and Palestinians, UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland said in a briefing to the Security Council on Thursday.