Gaza: Humanitarian response underway, but political solutions still needed 

Although the international community is providing urgent assistance to Gaza in the wake of the most recent round of hostilities, a political solution is still needed to end the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, a senior UN official in the region said on Wednesday.

UN officials call for durable solution to end the war in Syria

15 Mar 2023

Three senior UN officials underscored the need for a political solution to end the war in Syria, in statements marking the 12th anniversary of the conflict on Wednesday. 


UN chief ‘encouraged’ by engagement between Israeli and Palestinian officials

08 Feb 2022

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday that he is encouraged by the recent engagement between senior Israeli and Palestinian officials.


Israel-Palestine: Political solution only way to end ‘senseless’ cycles of violence

27 May 2021

Only a political solution will end the “senseless and costly cycles of violence” between Israelis and Palestinians, UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland said in a briefing to the Security Council on Thursday.