UN launches $46 billion appeal to respond to worsening crises in 2024

As conflicts, climate emergencies and collapsing economies continue to wreak havoc on communities worldwide, the UN on Monday issued an appeal for $46.4 billion for 2024 to help 181 million people facing catastrophic hunger, mass displacement and diseases worldwide. https://news.un.org/feed/view/en/story/2023/12/1144652
UN launches $46 billion appeal to respond to worsening crises in 2024

Drop coal or climate change will ‘wreak havoc’ across economy, Australia told

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Climate change will “wreak havoc” across the Australian economy if coal is not rapidly phased out, a senior UN official warned on Monday. 

DRC: Lives shattered by violence, displacement and hunger in ‘forgotten crisis’: WFP

DRC: Lives shattered by violence, displacement and hunger in ‘forgotten crisis’: WFP

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UN humanitarians issued an urgent appeal on Tuesday to help millions of people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) where chronic violence and displacement continue to fuel a dramatic hunger crisis.

Nigeria: $1.3 billion drive to stop ‘ticking time bomb’ of child malnutrition

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The UN launched a $1.3 billion appeal on Thursday to help six million people severely affected by conflict, disease, and disaster in northeast Nigeria.