
Our news page provides you with a round up of UN news related to economic development, humanitarian aid, climate change, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You will find the summary of news articles together with a link to the news source.


Air pollution, the ‘silent killer’ that claims seven million lives a year: rights council hears

04 Mar 2019

Shifting to renewable energy could save up to 150 million lives by the end of the century amid concerns that six billion people regularly inhale air “so polluted that it puts their life, health and well-being at risk”, a UN-appointed independent rights expert said on Monday.


Ocean life faces ‘onslaught of threats’ from human activity, but tools exist to save it

01 Mar 2019

Underwater life is severely impacted by an “onslaught of threats,” but we already have the tools to positively influence ocean conservation, the UN said in a statement marking 2019 World Wildlife Day which, this year, is celebrated under the theme “Life Below Water: for people and planet.”


‘Comprehensively include migrants’ or sustainable development won’t happen, warns General Assembly President

27 Feb 2019

Migration and sustainable development are “deeply interconnected” and the 2030 Agenda, the UN’s blueprint for a sustainable future for all, will not be achieved if we do not “comprehensively include migrants,” the President of the General Assembly said on Wednesday.


Without ‘transformative shifts,’ women will wait two centuries for gender equality

27 Feb 2019

“I think it's almost a joke that it will take the world so long to create women empowerment, particularly as we know that there’s an economic upside in empowering women in the range of $28 trillion.”


Parliamentarians directly called to take action on global issues by UN chief

21 Feb 2019

Addressing parliament elected officials from around the world gathered at United Nations Headquarters in New York on Thursday for an annual hearing, UN chief António Guterres called for their support on legislation and financing of global solutions to global problems, such as climate change, uncoordinated migration and the dangers of some new technologies.


UN agriculture agency chief calls on world’s mayors to make ‘global commitments local realities’

19 Feb 2019

At a time of rapid urbanization, cities face challenges that are global in nature but require “the full engagement of local authorities” for multilateral solutions, the head of the United Nations agriculture agency told a special gathering of mayors on Tuesday.


FROM THE FIELD: ‘Harvested’ rainwater saves Tanzanian students from stomach ulcers, typhoid

15 Feb 2019

The students in the Tanzanian town of Bagamoyo once had to decide between getting sick or being thirsty all day long.


UN announces roadmap to Climate Summit in 2019, a ‘critical year’ for climate action

14 Feb 2019

2019 is a critical year, the “last chance” for the international community to take effective action on climate change, General Assembly President Maria Espinosa said on Thursday, during a briefing to announce the UN’s roadmap to the Climate Summit in September.


‘New tech’ business model threatens decent work conditions, warns UN

13 Feb 2019

Unemployment is down globally but workers’ conditions have not improved, the UN said on Wednesday, warning that some businesses driven by new technology “threaten to undermine” hard-won social gains of recent decades.


Boat made of recycled plastic and flip-flops inspires fight for cleaner seas along African coast

12 Feb 2019

After completing a historic 500km journey from the Kenyan island of Lamu to the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar, the world’s first ever traditional “dhow” sailing boat made entirely from recycled plastic, known as the Flipflopi, has successfully raised awareness of the need to overcome one of the world’s biggest environmental challenges: plastic pollution.


‘Shared responsibility’ to stop 420,000 needless deaths from tainted food each year, UN, world leaders warn

12 Feb 2019

Each year, food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins or chemicals cause more than 600 million people to fall ill, and 420,000 to die worldwide, prompting a call from world leaders on Tuesday for greater international cooperation to make the food chain safer.


More women and girls needed in the sciences to solve world’s biggest challenges

11 Feb 2019

Many of the world’s biggest problems may be going unsolved because too many women and girls are being discouraged from the sciences.


As inequality grows, the UN fights for a fairer world

08 Feb 2019

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – the UN’s blueprint for a better and more sustainable future for all – calls for a reduction in inequality between and within countries. Nevertheless, global inequality is increasing. So what can be done?


Measles in Europe: infection rates highest in a decade, says UN health agency

07 Feb 2019

Although more children than ever before are being vaccinated against measles across Europe, overall infection rates are the highest in a decade, and a three-fold increase on last year, according to new data published on Thursday by the World Health Organization (WHO).


Nearly two-thirds of children lack access to welfare safety net, risking ‘vicious cycle of poverty’

06 Feb 2019

More than six in 10 children globally lack access to social protection, leaving them particularly vulnerable to falling into chronic poverty, the UN said on Wednesday, warning also that some governments are cutting State cash entitlements, amid continuing economic uncertainty.


Food choices today, impact health of both ‘people and planet’ tomorrow

06 Feb 2019

The food we eat has huge potential to improve both human health and environmental sustainability, but too often today it is posing a threat to both people and planet, according to a new report by the EAT-Lancet Commission, launched on Tuesday at United Nations Headquarters in New York.


Guterres underlines climate action urgency, as UN weather agency confirms record global warming

06 Feb 2019

In the wake of data released by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO), showing the past four years were officially the ‘four warmest on record,’ UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for urgent climate action and increased ambition, ahead of his climate summit in September.  


Extreme weather hit 60 million people in 2018, no part of the world spared

24 Jan 2019

With some 60 million people affected by extreme weather in 2018, according to a new study, the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) called for better management of the issue worldwide, in a statement published on Thursday.


‘Education transforms lives’ says UN chief on first-ever International Day

24 Jan 2019

Education is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development because it gives people across the world the skills needed to realize all 17 Global Goals (SDGs), said the UN chief on Thursday, marking the first-ever International Day of Education.


Environment and health at increasing risk from growing weight of ‘e-waste’

24 Jan 2019

Around 50 million tonnes of electronic waste, or e-waste, is being thrown away each year, according to a new joint United Nations report – which exceeds the combined weight of all the commercial airliners ever made, or alternatively, enough Eiffel Towers to fill the whole of Manhattan.

Tonga’s flamboyant Olympic flag-bearer brings inspiring message of self-belief to youth at UN Headquarters

30 May 2018

He is best known for his bare-chested appearances at the Rio and Pyeongchang Olympic Games, but Pita Taufatofua now wants to use his social media muscle to empower youth, and get them to share their stories. 

World needs generation of self-empowered ‘superheroes’, UN youth forum told

30 May 2018

The United Nations needs to spend more time talking directly to young people across the world, beyond simply talking about their concerns, said the President of the General Assembly on Wednesday, opening a major Youth Dialogue event at UN Headquarters in New York.  

Promoting biodiversity across all agricultural sectors ‘fundamental’ — FAO chief

29 May 2018

Changing how countries across the world produce food is “fundamental” to protecting the future of the Earth’s ecosystem, said the head of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on Tuesday.

‘What is good for Africa is good for the world’ says UN chief on International Day

25 May 2018

Praising efforts by African countries to alleviate poverty and build more stable societies, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres pledged his on-going support for ending conflict and building peace across the continent.

Transforming the world requires input from all society: UN deputy chief

23 May 2018

International efforts to create a world where no one is left behind will only become a reality if all sectors in society participate, the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General told ambassadors in New York on Wednesday.

‘Done right,’ expanded partnerships can deliver more sustainable results – deputy UN chief

21 May 2018

Cooperation over development is critical in delivering the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN deputy chief said on Monday, calling for strengthened “multi-stakeholder” partnerships, and better policy coordination.

Rich variety of life on earth essential says UN chief Guterres, marking biological diversity day

21 May 2018

The welfare and prosperity of people now and in the future, depends on a “rich variety of life on earth” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in his message for the International Day for Biological Diversity, marked on Tuesday. 

In Washington D.C., Guterres signs pact with World Bank, meets US President Trump

18 May 2018

The United Nations and the World Bank Group on Friday signed an agreement to work closer together to help countries implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and achieve measurable results to transform their economies and societies.

Celebrate love, strengthen partnerships to end AIDS epidemic by 2030 says UN agency

17 May 2018

Marking the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, the United Nations is calling for strengthened partnerships to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people and their families.

Economic growth ‘exceeds expectations’ but trade tensions are rising: UN report

17 May 2018

Global economic growth is exceeding expectations this year but heightened geopolitical tension and uncertainty over international trade could thwart progress, according to a new United Nations report.